Graph Learning Indexer: A Contributor-Friendly and Metadata-Rich Platform for Graph Learning Benchmarks
Jiaqi Ma, Xingjian Zhang, Hezheng Fan, Jin Huang, Tianyue Li, Ting Wei Li, Yiwen Tu, Chenshu Zhu, and Qiaozhu Mei
In Proceedings of the First Learning on Graphs Conference, 09–12 dec 2022
Establishing open and general benchmarks has been a critical driving force behind the success of modern machine learning techniques. As machine learning is being applied to broader domains and tasks, there is a need to establish richer and more diverse benchmarks to better reflect the reality of the application scenarios. Graph learning is an emerging field of machine learning that urgently needs more and better benchmarks. To accommodate the need, we introduce Graph Learning Indexer (GLI), a benchmark curation platform for graph learning. In comparison to existing graph learning benchmark libraries, GLI highlights two novel design objectives. First, GLI is designed to incentivize \emphdataset contributors. In particular, we incorporate various measures to minimize the effort of contributing and maintaining a dataset, increase the usability of the contributed dataset, as well as encourage attributions to different contributors of the dataset. Second, GLI is designed to curate a knowledge base, instead of a plain collection, of benchmark datasets. We use multiple sources of meta information to augment the benchmark datasets with \emphrich characteristics, so that they can be easily selected and used in downstream research or development. The source code of GLI is available at \url